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  • Larger beads tend to pull on stringing wire allowing sections of the wire between individual beads to be seen. To avoid this, use spacer beads or bead caps or even both between the beads to cover the wire.

  • Avoid using calottes (also known as collets or knot cups) to attach clasps on heavy jewellery, instead use wire guardian to protect the wire. Collets are not sealed and tend to open under pressure. Come to our jewellery making course to learn all about findings.

  • When using toggle clasp keep in mind that when the clasp is closed it will shorten the length of the jewellery.

  • Keep silk and nylon threads in plastic bags or containers to avoid any discoloration.

  • Glue and clear nail polish stick items together and can be used to seal knots. Clear nail polish can also be used to protect color metal from fading fast.

  • You can use an awl or large needle for moving knots to where you want them, learn this skills in our jewellery making course.


Jewellery design tips:



  • Some people may have an allergic reaction to metal, especially to nickel and cobalt. Look for hypoallergenic alternatives such as nickel free components or sterling silver.

  • Magnetic findings: Magnetic jewellery findings are not suitable for pacemaker wearers or pregnant women. They are suitable to people that have limited use of their hands.

  • We hope you enjoy our jewellery making tips. See you soon at our beading class at Darlinghurst.




Oval - Most type of jewellery, dangling or hoop earrings of any shape and length

Rectangular (oblong) face: Try jewellery that add width all along and reduce the length of the face: high chokers and long necklaces, short dangling earrings or studs.

Round face: long necklaces to add length to the face; avoid too long or too broad earrings. Medium teardrops & pendants are good choices.

Heart-shaped face:short necklace or shocker will soften the sharp angle of the chin making the bottom of the face appear larger; dangling earrings or earrings wider at the bottom are a good option.





Africa descent, Asian (yellowish skin tone), olive complexion- Red cardinal pink, emerald green, mauve and turquoise, grey, navy blue.

Red color or strawberry blonde hair with fair skin, pale eyes - Try warm tones to highlight the tones in your hair, such as mustard, beige, dark brown, olive green.  

Cream complexion with green or blue eyes - Red, hot pink, lemon, bright blue, aqua , saga green and warm pastel colors.



 jewellery making Classes Darlinghurst  jewellery design courses sydney

Jewellery length guide:

Jewellery Making & Jewellery Design Courses, Sydney

All jewelry & images by Enjoyable beading >​




Would you like to send a special gift voucher to someone that you really care about?What about a gift certificate for a relaxing and fun jewellery makign course in Darlinghurst?





I saw the Enjoyable Beading class advertised on Gumtree and enquired out of interest. The prices were very low compared to some of the other jewellery making courses in Sydney and I was interested in getting to know a little more about what happens. Once I found out a little more information I decided that I would give it a go. 


On my first day I learnt some basic jewellery making skills and made 3 different pieces. One was a simple necklace and the other 2 were some earrings. I then went home to try and create some of these pieces myself and have been making them ever since. After that we made a range of different things such are more earrings, necklaces and even a bracelet! I looked forward to my Saturdays because I knew I would be learning something different that I would use in my everyday life. 


I would strongly recommend the Enjoyable Beading class to anyone that is interested in jewellery making. I have learnt so much from it and am looking forward to the shorter courses coming out soon.

Ruby Knight

August 2013

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© 2015 by Enjoyable beading. 



Our Sydney jewellery making courses, workshops and private tuition are held at the King Cross Community Centre -  Rex Centre, next to the Potts Point post office - 50- 58 Macleay Street - entrance near Baroda Street, Potts Point 2011.

Mobile: 0425 41 2340

Booking and Cancelation policy

  • Classes must be paid in advance in order to reserve a spot.

  • Classes will start at their appointed time. If you can’t make it to a class, please call us to reschedule. If you do not call us, you will forfeit your class fee – no exceptions. You must take a class within 30 days from your original class or you will forfeit the class fee.

  • Request to transfer to another class date is only allowed in extraordinary circumstances with two weeks in advance from the next class. You must take a class within 30 days from your original class or you will forfeit the class fee.

  • 48 hours notice is required for all cancellations and changes to booking or full fee will be charged.


   If for any reason you wish to cancel a class:
·    Refunds are only available for cancellations made more than two weeks prior to the set of class (intermediate/beginner level).
·    For cancelations with less of two weeks notice a refund is only given if your place can be filled.
·    For payment made by Paypal, refunds will be made in full after deducting any fee that Enjoyable beading has had to bear.

   If we cancel our class:

  • You will be entitled for full refund.
  • You will have the opportunity to transfer to next available class or rescheduled the class
  • Class cancellation is advised as soon as possible

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